
About Psychotherapy

How Psychotherapy Works Bruce Wampold, PhD, describes what Psychotherapy is and how it works in this interview by the American Psychological Association.

Psychotherapy Organizations

APA, American Psychological Association provides an extensive website with information for both the general public and professionals. Articles can be found on a variety of topics along with a few free brochures A toll-free number, 1- 800 - 964 -2000, connects to a referral service in your area to find a psychologist.

AHP Association for Humanistic Psychology gives listings of therapists by state, with descriptions provided by each therapist member. The site also includes information on the history and philosophy of humanistic psychology.

AAMFT American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy provides information about Marriage and Family Therapists, as well as a Therapist Locator national database of qualified therapists.

CAMFT California Association for Marriage and Family Therapists is the largest association representing MFTs. This site describes "What is an MFT" along with other related other information, as well as a Therapist Finder for licensed MFTs in California.

Marriage & Family

Are Married People Happier Than Unmarried People? from The American Psychological Association. In a large longitudinal study that sheds new light on the association between marital status and happiness, researchers have found that people get a boost in life satisfaction from marriage. But the increase in happiness is very small -- approximately one tenth of one point on an 11-point scale -- and is likely due to initial reactions to marriage and then a return to prior levels of happiness.

Teens and Family Ties from Psychology Today, For troubled teens, group therapy may be the problem; family therapy and counseling, the solution.

Mental Health

Helpguide provides expert, non-commercial information on more than 100 topics in mental health and lifelong wellness. Both mental health professionals and the public can easily find overviews here of most areas of concern, and links are provided for more in-depth information.

Trauma Pages is a non-commercial website maintained by David V. Baldwin PhD, a licensed Psychologist, with a wealth of information on the effects of stress. The purpose of this award winning site is primarily to provide information for clinicians and researchers in the traumatic-stress field.

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